Deploy package or bundle to all machines.

Question about WAPT Server / Requêtes et aides autour du serveur Wapt
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Messages : 10
Inscription : 28 sept. 2017 - 20:18

28 sept. 2017 - 20:33


Is there a way to automatically add a package or bundle to a machine? So that when the agent is installed on a computer wapt will automatically install a standard bundle of applications.

Thank you,
Chris Knowles
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Expert WAPT
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Inscription : 17 nov. 2016 - 10:25
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29 sept. 2017 - 09:54


Nope this add to be a manual action, performed by an administrator from a WAPT console, as the host package is signed by the private key.

It's seen as a security issue for us if any random computer gets packages automatically assigned when they register on the WAPT server.

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Expert WAPT
Messages : 249
Inscription : 06 oct. 2017 - 22:55
Localisation : Nantes, FR

06 oct. 2017 - 23:14

Hello Alexandre, Chris

If you run Active Directory, Samba-AD or MSAD, if you have a group in your AD that has the same name as a group-metapackage in WAPT, then if you place your computer in the right AD group, then the workstation wil inherit the machine profile that you have set up in your WAPT group-metapackage.

By the way, TIS is the main integrator of Samba-AD in France and in Europe and we know just as well MSAD. For us, AD and WAPT are extremely complementary, they are like Batman and Robin, or Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson.

So, I believe that you can do what you want to do, just place the machine in the right AD group and have a WAPT package group named the same :

exemple in AD : workstations-accounting
exemple in WAPT : workstations-accounting

the WAPT meta-package "workstations-accounting" then depends on "TurboTax", "get my bills from XYZ supplier", "USB token signature", etc


Vincent CARDON
Tranquil IT
Messages : 10
Inscription : 28 sept. 2017 - 20:18

09 oct. 2017 - 16:26

Hello Vincent,

While I can do this, it is far from automatic. I have to add the computer to an AD then reboot the workstation so it will update it's AD membership. Then I have to manually use the WAPT console to scan for AD groups. This method is not the best in my opinion. If the server scanned for groups at startup or joining this would work.

I have simply modified my login script so that after it installs WAPT it then installs my default bundle.

I would love for there to be an all hosts bundle or some kind of criteria to automatically assign packages to hosts.

Chris Knowles